PMS Specialist
Fort Lauderdale Women Care
Our Services
Fort Lauderdale Women Care
Gynecologists located in Fort Lauderdale, FL
If you’ve ever used PMS as an excuse for erratic behavior or absence from school or work, then you know how PMS can affect both your physical and mental health. Dr. Khadra M. Osman, gynecologist at Fort Lauderdale Women Care, also understand the effects of PMS, and if yours are hampering your daily routine, make an appointment at their Fort Lauderdale, Florida office to see how you can minimize the impact that PMS has on your life.
What causes PMS?
Since three out of four women experience, or have experienced, some form of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, chances are, you have too. PMS is linked to hormone levels and can start as soon as you enter your childbearing years in your teens, and persist all the way through to menopause. Each month, as your body prepares for pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone levels increase, which for many, leads to changes in mood and physical appearance.
It remains a mystery as to why some women are more susceptible or sensitive to hormone changes, but doctors believe that heredity plays a key role — in other words, if your mother suffered from severe PMS symptoms, you might suffer from them as well.
In less common cases, severe PMS is associated with an undiagnosed depression.
What are the symptoms of PMS?
The symptoms of PMS and the degrees to which they manifest themselves are about as varied as the women who have them. Some women experience no change at all during their menstrual cycles, while others have pronounced and debilitating reactions. Whether mild or severe, the most common symptoms of PMS are:
Tender breasts
Low back pain
Digestive issues
Mood swings
Irritability or anxiousness
Lack of focus
Social withdrawal
These symptoms are not always constant and may be worse during some cycles than others. The symptoms may also change before and after pregnancy and usually start to diminish with age.
How can the doctors help treat my symptoms?
If you feel that your PMS symptoms are restricting your normal activities, talk with Dr. Osman to find out how to lessen their impact. They can take into account the severity of your symptoms and your lifestyle before making any medication recommendations, which may include:
Anti-inflammatory medications (ibuprofen) to ease physical discomfort
Diuretics to reduce weight gain and swelling
Birth control pill to regulate hormone levels
As important as medications are in controlling the symptoms, so, too, are the measures you should take at home to minimize your PMS symptoms, such as:
Diet modification
Relaxation techniques
Limiting caffeine and alcohol
Ultimately, Dr. Sanches or Dr. Osman sets you up with a treatment strategy that helps you deal with PMS and get back to your normal routine.